Ludwig Coin AKA PSLICA$H, the native token that values males!

Ludwig Coin PSLICA$H

Built off of the Cardano (ADA) blockchain, Ludwig Coin AKA PSLICA$H is the FIRST MALE-ONLY CURRENCY SYSTEM. An initial value of TEN BILLION TOKENS, these tokens are meant to represent the value of its male holders! By creating a CUSTOM cryptocurrency/block-chain based native token, we can distinguish the VALUE of males by their HOLDINGS. This native token will stand for/represent a digital currency system that enables male holders to have INNATE VALUE in the form of digital currency. I created this digital currency in order to have its value weighted/bargained against males, enabling only MALES THEMSELVES to utilize and carry these tokens as SYMBOLS OF THEIR VALUE. Behold the world's first DIGITAL, MALE-ONLY TOKEN VALUE SYSTEM THAT STANDS TO GIVE A SEMBLANCE OF VALUE FOR EVERY MALE HOLDER. If you would like to POSSESS some of these tokens, contact bookieboy at: